Yhdysvaltojen aseilla tehdään sotarikoksia – asekauppa Israeliin lopetettava

Yhdysvaltojen aseilla tehdään sotarikoksia – asekauppa Israeliin lopetettava

Vetoomus suljetaan pian

Vaadin, että Yhdysvallat lopettaa asekaupan Israelin kanssa.



Dear President,

I am deeply concerned over the ongoing violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. The U.S. government is uniquely positioned to have tremendous impact in this conflict to ensure the protection of civilians and prevent further suffering.

Since 7 October, we have witnessed horror unfolding on an unimaginable scale in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. More than 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are struggling to survive amidst a human-made humanitarian catastrophe, and the level of civilian casualties has been unprecedented.

The ongoing air and ground offensive by Israeli forces in Gaza is having cataclysmic consequences for Gaza’s civilians, who also remain without access to drinking water, food, medical supplies and fuel as a result of the Israeli government’s siege. At least 1.7 million Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their homes due to the attacks and as a result of orders from the Israeli army to move to other areas in Gaza. Civilians in Israel also continue to come under attack from indiscriminate rocket fire from Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza.

I am urging you to:

  • Publicly call for an immediate ceasefire and appeal to the Israeli government to allow life-saving fuel, water, food and medication into Gaza.
  • Immediately suspend the direct and indirect supply, sale, or transfer to the Israeli government of all weapons, munitions, and other military and security equipment that would more likely than not be used in the violation of international humanitarian and human rights law.

The need for a suspension of weapons and an immediate ceasefire is more urgent than ever to protect civilians, prevent a mounting civilian death toll in Gaza, prevent further displacement, and provide an opportunity to secure the safe release of the remaining hostages.
