Iran: Sharifehin teloitus pysäytettävä

Iran: Sharifehin teloitus pysäytettävä

Päivää jäljellä

Vaadin, että Sharifeh Mohammadin kuolemantuomio kumotaan ja hänet vapautetaan välittömästi.



Head of judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, c/o Embassy of Iran to the European Union
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt No. 15, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Dear Mr Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei,

Human rights defender Sharifeh Mohammadi, 45, is at risk of execution in Lakan prison, Gilan province, after Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Rasht, Gilan province, sentenced her to death in June 2024. She was convicted of “armed rebellion against the state” (baghi) solely in relation to her peaceful human rights activities, including supporting women’s and workers’ rights as well as the abolition of the death penalty, and her past membership with the Coordinating Committee to Help to Form Workers’ Organizations, which advocates for trade unions. Her appeal is pending before the Supreme Court.

On 5 December 2023, Ministry of Intelligence agents arbitrarily arrested Sharifeh Mohammadi and transferred her to a detention centre in Rasht, where, according to an informed source, she was subjected to torture and ill-treatment, including repeated kicks to her legs. A few days later, she was transferred to solitary confinement in Lakan prison. On 28 December 2023, she was transferred to a Ministry of Intelligence detention facility in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, about 500 km from Rasht. According to informed sources, there agents subjected her to torture and ill-treatment to compel her forced “confessions”, including by repeatedly hitting her in the face and head while she was blindfolded, resulting in visible injuries. In late January 2024, upon her transfer to Sanandaj prison, she filed a complaint about her torture, but no investigation was conducted. Four weeks later, she withdrew her complaint after prosecution authorities threatened her with prolonged detention in Sanandaj prison, where she had been held incommunicado in solitary confinement. In late February 2024, she was transferred to Lakan prison.

Sharifeh Mohammadi’s trial, which consisted of one 30-minute session on 9 June 2024, was grossly unfair. She was connected from prison via video conference and was denied the right to speak. The verdict lists her peaceful human rights activities as “evidence” against her, including possession of documents supporting women prisoners, her abolitionist position and ties to the Coordinating Committee to Help to Form Workers’ Organizations.

Halt any plans to execute Sharifeh Mohammadi, quash her conviction and death sentence, and release her immediately and unconditionally, as she is held solely for her peaceful human rights activism. Pending her release, provide her with adequate healthcare and regular visits from family and lawyers; protect her from further torture and other ill-treatment; and order an independent, effective and impartial investigation into her torture allegations, bringing anyone suspected of criminal responsibility to justice in fair trials. Also, immediately establish an official moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty.

Yours sincerely,