Trump ja USA: seis miljoonien ihmisten massakarkotuksille

Trump ja USA: seis miljoonien ihmisten massakarkotuksille

Vetoomus suljetaan pian

Vaadin, että presidentti Trump lopettaa julmien ja rasististen massakarkotusten valmistelun.



President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC
20500, USA

President Trump:

I urge you to uphold the human rights of immigrants and people seeking safety in the United States and abandon all plans for mass deportations.

The U.S. government has an obligation under international law to ensure that its laws, policies, and practices do not place immigrants and people seeking safety at an increased risk of human rights abuses. While the U.S., like all countries, has the power to regulate the entry and stay of non-nationals in its territory, it can only do so within the limits of its human rights obligations. A mass deportation campaign will violate multiple rights, including protection against return to a country where people are at real risk of torture and other serious human rights harms (refoulement); the right to seek asylum; freedom from arbitrary detention; due process; family unity and children’s rights; and non-discrimination. It will also tear apart communities, families, and the economy.

I call on you to:

• halt all plans for a mass deportation campaign, including plans for a national emergency, raids, mass detention, and deportations without due process

• ensure people who would be at risk of serious human rights violations upon return are not deported

• uphold the human right to seek asylum

• ensure that no one is arbitrarily detained and that deportation procedures uphold the human rights and human dignity of all

• respect the right to family unity and the rights of children • ensure that all laws, policies, and practices of the U.S. government on asylum and migration fully respect the right to non-discrimination I implore you to abandon the demonization of immigrants and people seeking safety and reverse course on your plans for mass deportations.

Yours sincerely,